In order to, cümlelerde, amaç bildirmek için kullanılır. ”… için … yaptı” gibi Türkçeleştirilebilir. In Order To yapısından sonra infinitive gelir. Bir deyimdir. Infinitive yapılarda olduğu gibi, genellikle, In Order To, göreceli gelecek için konuşurken kullanılır.


I froze the water in order to feel the cold.
I will study tonight in order not to fail the exam.
She studied hard in order to pass her final exams.
He saved money in order to buy a new car.
They exercised regularly in order to improve their fitness.
We wake up early in order to catch the sunrise.
She learned a new language in order to communicate with her foreign friends.
He worked overtime in order to finish the project on time.
They planned a trip in order to explore new places.
I’m taking a cooking class in order to become a better chef.
She attended a workshop in order to enhance her skills.
He invested in stocks in order to grow his wealth.
He took his phone in order to call his parents.
I was running quickly in order to finish the race first.
The police was investigating in order to catch the thief.
In order to see me, he left early from the party.
He came to home early in order to see the children before they went to bed.
Carl had to find a second job in order to pay all of his bills.
In order to lose weight, I decided to stop eating sugar.
You must release me in order to be free yourself!
You left me and our children in order to teach me a lesson?

Olumsuz cümlelerde “In order not to” kalıbı kullanılır.


He walked quietly through the house in order not to wake everyone up.
In order not to be late for school, I always set my alarm.
In order not to seem stupid, he didn’t say anything.
He exercised daily in order not to gain weight.
They arrived early in order not to miss the train.
We wear sunscreen in order not to get sunburned.
She kept quiet in order not to reveal the surprise.
He double-checked the address in order not to get lost.
They ate a light dinner in order not to feel too full.
I’ll set an alarm in order not to oversleep tomorrow.
She apologised quickly in order not to upset him further.